How to Keep Balance Between Work and Health

How to Keep Balance Between Work and Health

When you're juggling work and home life, finding a balance is more important than ever. Despite the pressure of a demanding career, you can still enjoy the freedom of working from home. A recent study found that people who work three or more hours beyond their scheduled hours have a 60 percent increased risk of […]

Take the Stress Out of Shopping for Insurance

Take the Stress Out of Shopping for Insurance

Protecting our families and ensuring that they have a comfortable and safe future ahead is one of our biggest priorities in life. We want to be sure that they are happy, healthy, and provided for, no matter the circumstance. Finding the best tools available to help us make sure that everyone is secure, healthy, and […]

What is a Good Running Technique?

What is a Good Running Technique?

Running seems so simple and natural for many of us. In our fight or flight mode, we know to run if we are in danger. It feels natural just to pick up the past, but not many of us are running correctly. Today we will lay out what exactly is a good running technique. If […]